Star Stable Entertainment is the Swedish game studio behind the horse game Star Stable Online, a massively multiplayer online game (MMO) and the Star Stable Horses app game. Our world is centered around horse riding and adventure, on an island touched by magic.

The story of Star Stable

Once upon a time in 2011, the founders of Star Stable Entertainment had a vision. They wanted to create a game that could make a difference. Although half of gamers are girls and women, they were under-represented in the gaming industry, both as characters and creators. And so, the dream of an epic online world where tween and teen girls could share an amazing experience was born. As well as the aim to challenge how things are done in a male-dominated industry.

Fast forward to today, and our dream has come true tenfold – Star Stable Online stands as one of the most popular MMORPGs globally!


Together, we make magic!

At our HQ on Södermalm in Stockholm, Sweden, our 130 employees are thrilled to continue to welcome players to the island of Jorvik, with its breathtaking scenery, beautiful horses, and magical quests.

We believe in the power of kindness and the strength in diversity. With 30+ nationalities and 54% women, we are part of changing the face of gaming. We celebrate our differences, while we all share visions and values.


Check in to find out what we're brewing behind the scenes.


If you're having issues with our games, please send in a ticket through our support form.


For media requests please reach out to our PR contact at hanna.patch@starstable.com