Creative writing workshop with Helena Dahlgren – lesson 4

We’re so excited to bring you the next lesson in Helena Dahlgren’s creative writing workshop! Buckle up and join the author of the Soul Riders trilogy, as she helps you unlock a range of secrets, tricks and tips to level up your creative writing skills!

Lesson 4: Sensational Senses! Part three – sound

In today’s society, there are hardly any quiet places. Even when you’re at home, all by yourself, you are surrounded by sound: the murmur of traffic outside, the fridge buzzing, a dog barking in the distance … Using sound is an effective way to add life to a story. Depending on where you want to go, the sound can have different effects. Say you’re home alone, missing someone close to you whom you haven’t seen in a while. When you hear the sound of a key turning inside a lock, you might feel a sudden rush of happiness. Finally! Another scenario: you’re home alone, and you’ve just seen on the news that a murderer is out on the loose in your neighbourhood. You’ve turned on all the lights, you’re listening to music, texting a friend, making a snack … doing anything to drown out your anxiety. Of course, you’re not really worried. What are the odds of some runaway lunatic showing up at your front door?

Then, you hear something. First, it’s just a scraping sound, like branches touching against the window. But then, you hear another sound. Someone’s knocking on your door…

EXERCISE: Write a short story (about a page long) about a specific sound and how it affects the person in your story. If you need ideas, you are welcome to use my suggestions above (the happy sound and/or the scary sound).

Hold up, did you hear that? Pretty sure it’s the sound of another awesome lesson from Helena, ready to pounce!

Join Helena Dahlgren for her next exciting creative writing workshop or click here to return to lesson 3.