Creative writing workshop with Helena Dahlgren – lesson 7

We’re so excited to bring you the next lesson in Helena Dahlgren’s creative writing workshop! Buckle up and join the author of the Soul Riders trilogy, as she helps you unlock a range of secrets, tricks and tips to level up your creative writing skills!

Lesson 7: Letters to Lisa

“The pain echoed through the van, all the way to the back, where a framed photograph of her mom was wrapped carefully in a T-shirt and packed away in one of the boxes.

A faded photograph in a box was all that was left. Lisa felt like she was never going to be able to accept her death.”

(From Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling, chapter one)

When Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling begins, Lisa is very much in mourning. She misses her mom, and describes her grief as a “ravenous wolf” that might claw at her when she least expects it. Lisa’s mother died in a riding accident when Lisa was twelve years old. She hasn’t been on a horse since. Later, when she meets Linda in Jorvik stables and opens up about her past, she notes that many people seem to have a hard time being around grieving people, treating grief like it’s almost contagious. Sometimes, it’s easier to say things in writing. What would you like to say to Lisa or any other person who has experienced the loss of a loved one?

EXERCISE: Write a letter to Lisa. It could be a comforting letter, or a funny letter, or something completely different. Open up your own emotions and pour it all out! What would you say to Lisa if you had the chance?

Maybe you’d like to tell Lisa what’s been going on in your world, and how it’s different from hers? Maybe you’re more similar than you think? Maybe you’re just gonna take the chance to go full fangirl? We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Be sure to join Helena for her next lesson in exciting writing! Or click here to return to lesson 6.