Creative writing workshop with Helena Dahlgren – lesson 8

Welcome back to Helena Dahlgren’s journey through creative writing! The author of the Soul Riders trilogy is back for part eight of her writing workshop, helping you unlock a range of secrets, tricks and tips so that you can level up your creative writing skills!

Lesson 8: Once upon a time…

“Once upon a time, in the Cold Sea, lay a lifeless isle where darkness reigned.”

(From the prologue of Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling)

There are so many ways to begin a story – and yet, with Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling, I chose perhaps the most classic beginning of them all. Yes, I’m talking about Once upon a time. And yep, I just HAD to go there… If you’re familiar with Star Stable Online, you will know that this is a little nod to the origin story of Jorvik. While I am all for creative beginnings, there is also something to be said for the fairytale beginning. It is evocative and timeless, giving the story an epic feel that might be nice for, say, a fantasy novel. Today, I want you to go there. I want you to go all Once upon a time… on me!

EXERCISE: Write a short story (length optional) that begins with the phrase “Once upon a time…” Here’s the kicker: the story should take place in the present time, in a modern environment. And – the story is about YOU! Good luck!

Writing about yourself as a character in a story is an awesome chance to take a look at how you truly see yourself. We’re super excited to give it a try.

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