Creative writing workshop with Helena Dahlgren – lesson 9

We’re so excited to bring you the next lesson in Helena Dahlgren’s creative writing workshop! Buckle up and join the author of the Soul Riders trilogy, as she helps you unlock a range of secrets, tricks and tips to level up your creative writing skills!

Lesson 9: Dialogue Dilemmas?

Confession time: I find dialogue tricky. Perhaps because I’ve always been a natural recluse who enjoys spending time with my own thoughts, I find internal monologue (when a person thinks about something) much easier than actual dialogue (when two or more people talk about something). But hey, all the more reason to include it in my creative writing class! If you have seen the TV show Gilmore Girls, you will know that fictional dialogue can be INSANELY snappy and witty. I don’t expect you all to release your inner Lorelais and Rorys here today (although it would be wonderful), but I would like you to work a bit on writing dialogue.

EXERCISE: Two people are standing in a hallway, waiting for something. One of them is super-chatty and extroverted, while the other person keeps her eyes firmly on her phone, avoiding all contact. What do they say to each other? Feel free to use my opening line, if you like.

“Could this day BE any slower?”

Could this workshop BE any more awesome? We hope you’re enjoying the chance to work on your creative skills with Helena. We’ve loved reading the results of all your exercises so far!

Join us for the final installment of Helena’s workshop or click here to return to lesson 8.